Friday, 27 May 2016

Sauerkraut for breakfast?

Big debate about breakfast.
What to eat?
Is breakfast important?

For me, no breakfast - no energy.
So, I need breakfast. But what?

I discussed this with Registered Acupuncturist Kenton Sefick.

I had been eating oatmeal with fruit and eggs for years.


According to Kenton, protein is #1.

He takes a piece of toast, slathers it with peanut butter, tops it with 3 eggs, tops that with meat, and tops that with sauerkraut. Yes, sauerkraut! It's a probiotic - for the gut.


Kenton is a man probably in his prime. I am not.
So, I have everything but just one egg. This is before my first dog walk with both dogs.
After my second walk with Ali, I have yogurt and  fruit.
And that sets me up for the morning - nothing more til noon.

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