Saturday 13 July 2013

3-D printer may put the Dollare Store out ovf business!

"When I first saw the links which the machine made, I shrugged my shoulders. But when I saw the machine make the links which are movable, I was AMAZED! Today I learn as I play on the machine," Debbie said with a grin.

The photo above shows a few of the items which Instructor Debbie Innes made while she demonstrated the 3-D printer at the Hantsport Public Library on July 11. The black spool on the left contains the bio-degradable sugar cane and corn starch filament which the machine uses. Several programs are available which enables the printer to make thousands or items.

 Hantsport C@P Keshia Laffin and C@P Co-Ordinator Meaghan MacFarlane
assisted Debbie shown here.

Debbie needs covers for her camera lenses which cost approximately $45  each. She  intends to buy a black role of filament, make the covers, and donate the rest of the roll to the library. And she will save money!

You are not limited by the programs but can be inventive. 

The printer here uses a filament to build layer on layer.

And these fit together!

Menu shows the progress.

Finished link.

The link and the triangular item have movable parts!

The machine which currently costs $2500 builds by layers. It is very hot but the item is cool and can be easily picked up.  

For more info, search 3-D printing. 

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